داستان آبیدیک

continuous positive pressure ventilation


1 عمومی:: ونتیلاسیون با فشار مثبت مداوم

The most important ROP risk factors in the Iranian studies were, saturation above 50%, septicemia, respiratory distress syndrome, intraventricular hemorrhage, continuous positive pressure ventilation, apnea, frequency and duration of blood transfusion, and oxygen therapy and phototherapy. 32 (OR= 7.88 , p<0.001), BW<1500 g (OR=3.74, p<0.001), saturation above 50% (OR=8.35, p=0.023), septicemia (OR=1.96, p=0.021), respiratory distress syndrome (OR=1.64, p=0.036), intraventricular hemorrhage (OR=2.24, p=0.005), continuous positive pressure ventilation (CPPV) (OR=3.97, p=0.023), apnea (OR=4.41, p=0.002), frequency and duration of blood transfusion, oxygen therapy and phototherapy (p<0.05) as the most important risk factors for ROP occurrence (7).

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